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Friends of TheBigBeat.FM

The links below are to sites that support TheBigBeat.FM mission and share our site, too!


Dee Serkin: Writer and Founder of To Travel is to Live is a friend of TheBigBeat.FM !

ACF Logo

Art Central Foundation, Nonprofit Educational Organization - 501(c)(3) is a friend and supporter !!!


Dorothy Hecimovich is an established graphic designer and communicator with over a decade of working with design teams and freelance clients. Dorothy’s creative designs includes TheBigBeat.FM logo and our social media headings.

She specializes in presentation design, visual identity, and print design. She has a strong fine arts background driving creativity in social media, web design, photography, video editing, print design, & digital graphics.

Dorothy is an inquisitive collector of ideas (and art supplies) and passionate about making a difference in the world. (We love that). She and her husband live in the beautiful Texas Hill Country with their spoiled dog and the neighborhood herd of deer.

Some of Dorothy’s designs can be found HERE! and she can be contacted at

bigSUMOfan Logo

Big Sumo Fan is a friend and supporter!!!